The Travels of Clemente | 克萊門特西遊記
3 January 2017


The Travels of Clemente
Color HD video, with sound, 8’27”


I met Clemente in Mani, Colombia. Knowing I am from Taiwan, he suddenly asked me to translate a video clip for him, a video of he being introduced in Mandarin when he was visiting Taiwan to perform for the Yilan International Children’s Folklore & Folkgame Festival in 2006. In the past nine years, he didn’t have any access to know what this video clip says. I translated the introduction word by word, meanwhile, I asked him to re-perform his singing in the video again for me. What makes this work slightly strange is that there are only Chinese and Spanish subtitles available, both showed at the end of the video. Viewers from different language backgrounds may experience difficulties understanding the context, which actually corresponds to my encounter with Clemente.