Anonymous Head(s) | 無名頭像(們)
10 October 2015

(text from the title page)

Anonymous Head(s) in the Hall of Eastern Woodland Indians of the American Museum of Natural History
A sculptor’s field trip in a major anthropology museum in the United States,
Forty-Seven Photographs by Yunyu “Ayo” Shih,
text from the American Museum of Natural History,
Appendix includes seven Anonymous Head(s) in the Hall of African People of the American Museum of Natural History,
Index, from the caption of the portraits in the exhibition hall.
New York, 2014-15





This work was a result of artist’s field work in the Hall of Eastern Woodland Indians of the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The museum display forty Indian’s heads to show different tribe’s costume, headsets and cultural elements. However, those forty Indian sculptural heads are cast from a single mold. By making this book and index the wall captions of the exhibition hall, the artist used a humorous attitude to reveal how scientific institutions build an absurd boundary between civilization and nature.

The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_01

The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_03The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_02 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_04 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_05 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_06 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_07 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_08 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_09 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_10 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_11 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_12 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_13 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_14 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_15 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_16 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_17 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_18 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_19 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_20 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_21 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_22 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_23 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_24 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_25 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_26 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_27 The Anonymous Head(S) of the East Woodland Indians in AMNH_28