2019.04 The Manual for Domestic Robot Keana-35® (Hong Kong) | 家用機械人香蘭 35®(香港)說明書
2 June 2019

家用機械人香蘭 35®(香港)說明書 The Manual for Domestic Robot Keana-35® (Hong Kong) ISBN:97898879712071

計畫發起 _ 施昀佑
文字編寫 _ 施昀佑、謝柏齊
插 畫_子杰
翻 譯_陳珮瑄

Initiator_Yunyu “Ayo” Shih
Text_Yunyu “Ayo” Shih, Pak Chai
Illustration_June Lee
Book Design_Yunyu “Ayo” Shih
Translated by_Pei Hsuan CHEN

《家用機械人香蘭 35®(香港)說明書》為藝術家施昀佑邀請香港作家謝柏齊、武漢漫畫家子杰的共同創作。手冊的文本脈絡以謝柏齊撰寫的科幻小說《菩薩慈悲念女身》為基礎,想像 2035 年的香港家家戶戶都有一台家用機器人,作品針對這台機器人製作它的操作說明書及相關管制品的申請流程。使用手冊主要分為三大部分,第一部分是機器人的基本操作,第二部分是指令和操作守則,第三部分則是性功能的介紹。同時書中也詳細解釋相關法規、拍照和性器官申請流程。


Inspired by Pak Chai’s short story, this project is initiated by Shih “Ayo” Yunyu (Taiwan). Pak Chai (Hong Kong) is a co-author of this book. Illustration by June Lee (China). He took part of the writing as well.

The Manual for Domestic Robot Keana-35® (Hong Kong) is a collaborative work by artist Shih “Ayo” Yunyu, Hong Kong author Tse Pakchai and Wuhan comic artist June Lee. The context of the manual is based on the sci-fi novel, Mercy Buddha, written by Pakchai, with the imagination that by the year of 2035 every household in Hong Kong processes a domestic robot. The Manual contains exquisite details about the instructions and the application procedures of the related controlled items. The Manual is divided into three parts, the first part is about the basic functions of the robot, the second being the commands and operational instructions, and the introduction of sexual function as the third. The Manual also provided a thorough explanation of the related laws, photography and application procedures for the sexual organs.

特別感謝 Thanks to 鄧建華 Leo Tang(工會組織幹事 Union organizer)、葉沛渝 Fish Ip(國際家務工聯會亞 洲區域統籌幹事 IDWF Regional Coordinator (Asia))、梁于穎 Evon Leung、楊正軍 Kent Yeung、謝旭雯 Tse Yuk Man、謝傲霜 Tse Ngo Sheung、戴毅龍 Tai Ngai Lung、黃億賢 Venus Wong、謝曉晴 Natalie Tse、謝丞展 Jerry Tse、蘇樂怡 Sophia So、暗流體、林至曜 Chih-yao Lin、馮俊華 Feng Junhua、王韓芳 Hanfang Wang、郭娟 Guo Juan、黃郁 慈 Phoenix Yu-tzu Huang、金鼎 Ding Jing、李曉雯 Catherine Lee、呂岱如 Esther Lu、 Felipe Rodríguez G.、大南路三六九工作室 DANAN 369、害喜影音綜藝有限公司 Hide And Seek Audiovisual Art

北市北師美術館,「即溶生活」, 2019
Mercurial Boundaries: Imagining Future Memory at MoNTUE, 2019
photo credit: Pak Chai

北市北師美術館,「即溶生活」, 2019
Mercurial Boundaries: Imagining Future Memory at MoNTUE, 2019
photo credit: Pak Chai